Monday, March 21, 2011

(Delicious) Power Bars.

power bars 4
power bars 3
Wow, my sister is really showing me up. But. Tonight I have a recipe that feels indulgent, but isn't. Do you already want to make it? Good. I thought so. These power bars are pathetically easy to make, require little effort (especially if you have a mom to chop the walnuts and almonds), and taste really, really good. Plus, you can eat them for breakfast for days. And sometimes you just don't feel like making breakfast. That's where these guys come in. And because I followed Heidi's recipe exactly, I'm simply going to link to it. Although you should make sure you have a lot of time because upon clicking on this link, you'll happen upon 101 Cookbooks (if you haven't already been there before) and then you'll spend hours (hours!) flipping through Heidi's archives proclaiming that you need 8 different kinds of flours and purging your pantry of white sugar. So, I warned you.
power bars 2
power bars 5

- The Florida Sister

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